Every child has a chance - it's you.
Donate NowWhat impact does a CASA have?
It’s significant
A child with a CASA is more likely to find a safe and permanent home, succeed in school, and most importantly, is half as likely to re-enter the foster care system. Each icon to the right represents a local child proven by national studies to have more hope, thanks to their CASA’s involvement last year.

CASAs cannot do their work without you
1 child served = $2,500 per year
Cases are long and complex. CASAs are required to undergo extensive background checks and training. All of this is provided by the expert staff of the CASA Program in addition to continued support for each CASA during the entire length of their case.
Become a Champion for a Child
Please make checks payable to: Blue Ridge CASA for Children 119 W Frederick St Staunton, VA 24401